
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring! (for a day)

Cupcake loves the chickens.
Isn't her hair wonderful?
This is the best these shoes will probably ever look.
 It is such a beautiful day here!  I am in for just a moment to make lunch.  We're having a picnic out in the little orchard today.  The weather is supposed to revert back to yuck, so we're planning on being out as much as we can today. 
It is a perfect day for a nap in the hammock.  Maybe it will happen.


  1. It's a beautiful day in my little part of Idaho too!!! The sun is shining and I'm soaking it up like a sponge.
    I don't usually do any but the necessary chores on Sunday, but I took advantage of this gorgeous weather and cleaned up my sheep shelter and set up the lambing pens. I should have spring lambs bouncing about anytime now=)
    I'm obviously quite happy about the weather today;)
    Have a wonderful sunny Sunday afternoon!

  2. Oh I love this post. She is beautiful. B

  3. It's so funny around here in Jersey.....people complain about the cold but the minute the temps are above 78 they start complaining about the heat.
    I wonder what that says about human nature?

    Did you ever make it to the hammock!!


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