Today I had another Midwife appointment. I was really hoping to not have to go. As in, I would have already had the baby. Alas. The good news is everything appears to be back to normal. The baby is in a better position and I am having some of those lovely signs that show it could be anytime now. Making another appointment for next week wasn't fun though. We'll just see.
I've been thinking I should bake a pie. Worked last time. ;)
Yes, I think a pie is a grand idea. Eat a piece for me please ;-)
When my mother was younger (and expecting my older brothers and sisters), she said she would go horseback riding to try to induce labor.
I,however, would not recommend that. Baking a pie is much safer. :-)
Cleaning the kitchen floor worked for me. You are in my prayers. -Catherine
Ended up too tired to bake, but will pick up some apples today. No way on the horse thing. Don't really like them anyway. I did wash the kitchen floor last night, but no luck. :) Still pregnant.
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