Tuesday, August 19, 2008

From The Word This Morning

Psalm 19:8-11

The precepts of the LORD are right,

giving joy to the heart.

The commands of the LORD are radiant,

giving light to the eyes.

The fear of the LORD is pure,

enduring forever.

The ordinances of the LORD are sure

and altogether righteous.

They are more precious than gold,

than much pure gold;

they are sweeter than honey,

than honey from the comb.

By them is your servant warned;

in keeping them there is great reward.
Life goes so much smoother, doesn't it, when we follow the Directions?
I think of the pure joy of Pumpkin when he has a spoonful of honey--our remedy for coughs and throats that feel poorly--his face lights up because he loves the soothing sweetness.
How I long for that when I pour His word into my heart.


flmom said...

A huge spoonful of honey is my oldest's favorite remedy as well. :-)

Julieann said...

Very Nice:)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog a couple of days ago (I had vacation-type stuff last week and am catching up :) ). I liked the "recipe for a perfect summer day" library writing contest prompt, too -- much more fun for judges to read than their previous contest. (I can't remember what it was, I just remember it led to a bunch of stilted essays.) Your blog is always so beautiful to visit.

Raquel said...

beautiful! Sweet his Word is, indeed. Much love - Raquel XO

Anonymous said...

YOur garden is a feast for the eyese!


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