I've been busy reading for the Spring Reading Challenge. I've finished several of the books I wanted to read. Here was my original list:
The Secret Garden and The Little Princess by Francis Hodgson Burnett ~DONE!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte ~3/4 th of the way done!
The Private World of Tasha Tudor and Springs of Joy by Tasha Tudor
Desiring God by John Piper
What Every Mom Needs by Elisa Morgan & Carol Kuykendall
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
Deception by Randy Alcorn ~DONE!
Living Simply: Choosing Less in a World of More by Joanne Heim~DONE!
Taking Care of the Me in Mommy by Lisa Whelchel~3/4 th of the way done!
I am starting up a Book Club next week. Any suggestions for books to read? We've got four of us that will get together once a month. I think I'm the only one that reads fiction mostly by Christian authors. So, if you have ideas, both Christian and non, feel free to leave them in the comments.
Kimberly, I'd love the address of the Newberry blog; that would be a fun blog to read!
Also, is your book club going to be online or in person?
Kimberly, I highly recommend historical fiction by Bodie Thoene. Wonderful books that make history COME ALIVE!
I am also wondering if your book club might be online as well. I'm a missionary living in Ukraine, and would treasure moments of discussing good books in ENGLISH.
We are meeting in person as soon as I can get everyone to show up! Our first meeting was canceled as I did not want to meet alone...So, we're still taking suggestions!
Dear Ukrainiac-If we can get our act together and get this going I'd be happy to also do on-line discussions with you. :) How much access to do have to books? Do you have some with you that you'd like to discuss? We could do it that way-I'll get a matching book here and we can read together. Let me know!
Well, I posted an answer...or so I thought.
Books are my weakness ... or should I say my strength. We have a pretty good supply here, plus I am always ordering more and having them sent to anyone that we know coming this way!
I have some historical fiction that I haven't read, plus I have all kinds of non-fiction. Check my blog to see what I've been reading lately: ukrainiac.wordpress.com
I may be able to find others to join us in an online book club if that sounds interesting to you...
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