Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Books

I love Christmas Books! I have over thirty, having received two more already this season. I have my favorites for certain things. I think my favorite book for children is One Wintry Night by Ruth Bell Graham. Her words, combined with extraordinary pictures by Richard Jesse Watson, tell the Christmas Story starting with Creation and ending with the Resurrection in an amazing way demonstrating why Jesus came.
I bought this book years ago and read it to my students when I taught at a Christian school. I'd read a chapter a day to my fifth graders spreading it out over December. I saw one of my students recently who is now a junior in high school and he remembered my reading the book to them, it's that good of a story.
I just started rereading it to myself last night. This would be a wonderful family Christmas gift for you or friends. I'm going to take it with us when we gather with family for Christmas later this month. I hope my neice and nephew will enjoy it as much as I do.

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