I've joined the
Autumn Reading Challenge.
Here's the second update on how it's going. I figured I 'd better try to keep myself on track. This is the list of books I'm planning to read before December.
Sandition/Charlotte~ Jane Austen (done)
Nicholas Nickleby~Charles Dickens (841 pages later-I am finished! Great story BTW!)
Pilgrim's Progress~ John Bunyon (Going well! I'm really enjoying this!)
Theology/God/Christian Living:
1 CS Lewis Book (Hmm...still not started)
Common Sense Christian Living, Edith Schaeffer (started, skipping around)
Biblical Womanhood in the Home~Nancy DeMoss, Ed. (started) I've been waiting for the Antique-tea Book Society (click on logo on sidebar) to start up for this one. This will end up being carried over into December/January to stay with the group.
The Day the Rope Broke~Ronald William Clark (quit-not what I thought it was!)
Women's Intuition~ Lisa Samson (done)
Other Books Not Originally in the Challenge, But Reading Anyway:
Showdown~ Ted Dekker (done & still pondering)
Teaching Your Baby to Read (done)
What Every Mother Needs~ Morgan and Kuykendall (started)
Saint~Ted Dekker (done-seems to be a sequel to Showdown, but not as weird!)
Before I Wake~Dee Henderson (done-seems to need a sequel)
The Lazarus Trap and The Imposter~ Davis Bunn (both done~I like his older stuff more.)
Wings of Refuge~ ? (done)
The Last Disciple~Brouwer & Handegraff (done-The Roman history stuff was good to read about.)
Virginia Autumn~? (done)
Sadie's Song~? (done)
Hideaway~? (done)
At Home in Mitford~ Jan Karon (1/2 done)
Anne of Avonlea~ LM Montgomery (1/2 done)
Cultural Warrior~ Bill O'Reilly (1/4 done) This is a weird combo of books to be reading at once!
It appears that I've gotten someone sidtracked by the misc. novels from the library... Better refocus and get reading!
What are you reading?
Hi Kimberly,
I finished my goal for the year, which was to read all of Jane Austen's novels. What a feat! But I really enjoyed my year of Austen.
This month I'm going to try and get through "Mayflower" which is the true story of the pilgrims. I'm learning quite a bit of new info. which has surprised me, as my favorite period of history is colonial and I thought I knew pretty much everything there was to know about the pilgrims. If I finish it, which is doubtful at this point, I'll carry it over into December. If I do finish, I'll read "A Christmas Carol."
Those two books are my goals but I've also got tons of books going on the side-a bad habit. :)
p.s. I also plan to read along with the book society over at the Sparrow's Nest-did you see my intro in the book discussion forum?
Congratulations! I love Jane Austen as well and reread them all again earlier this year. What fun! I'm planning on Dicken's A Christmas Carol, as well as his other Christmas stories for December. I've not read through the intros at ABS yet, but I'll look for yours. Have a lovely day!
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