Saturday, October 14, 2006

What a Lucky Wife I Am!

My Sweetheart knows how much I love all things Anne. Look at what he found for me. He's still searching for Anne of Green Gables and the others. What fun! I may need to take one out on the porch with my tea in a few minutes. Actually, I think I'll make a cup of cocoa with this Schoolhouse Chocolate Sauce Recipe. I mixed up a half batch yesterday and I think it's calling my name...


Anonymous said...

I love all things Anne too-I'm going to read through the Anne books next year, and as many of Lucy Maud's books as I can fit in. It's been years since I've read the books, although we watch the videos regularly.
What a nice gift. They look like they will go very nicely with a cuppa tea. :)

Proverbs3122 said...

How much of the chocolate sauce do you use to make cocoa?

Kimberly said...

Anna says on her post 1 tbl chocolate to a mug of warm milk. I use such huge mugs, I added a little more. I'd say just heat your milk, stir in a tablespoon's worth, stir and taste. you can always add more! It's really good.


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