Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tea Catalogs!

Here's some links for Tea Catalogs I found:

Stash Catalogs


Republic of Tea

The Tea Guys

Celestial Seasonings did not have a mail-order catalog, but will send you a free tea sample, if requested. Also, they have an extensive on-line catalog.

I tried not to include catalogs from really weird companies (and they are out there), but I noticed when I posted the Stash link they had something called a chankra center. You'll have to decide yourself on that. Also, I am not familiar with The Tea Guys. It seems to be harder and harder to find businesses in general that we can support. (I'm not saying don't support these at all, I am likewise not endorsing everything on the various websites.)

Picture: Richard Boyer's Afternoon Tea, courtesy of

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Thank you so much for this list of tea catalogs. I will get on their mailing lists!


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