
My Simple Living Posts-How I Got Here

If you had said to me just four years ago that I would want to move to a farm, I would have probably laughed at you.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up doing what we are about to do.  Never.  A lot has changed in the last three years.  

While not easy, it's been so good.  As we are headed off into our new adventure, I thought I'd pull together some of the past posts that hopefully highlight this journey.  

A Simpler Life is not an Easier Life.  At least in terms of work it isn't.  I've worked more and learned more these last three years than in so many more before.  But I love my life so much more!!!  I hope that this can simply be an encouragement to you.  You can live the life you dream of.



I've got to stop for now.  
You can find more posts filed under Simple Living, Simple Beauty, and Simplifying.  
Best wishes to everyone!